The Muscular Intelligence Program

Enhance your agility, the flexibility of your joints and the speed of your movement and get rid of back, hip, knee and foot pain, so you can enjoy your sports and your daily life without having a fear of repeated injury

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?ways to get our help

Group Coaching

Foot and knee program is a digital training program that helps you to increase your sports performance + relieve foot and knee issues + doesnā€™t require any equipment to apply it, and it doesnā€™t take more than 9 minutes a day
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One On One Coaching

Access one of the world's best therapists from the comfort of your own home, be able to get a private help with Abdulaziz himself to get you back to your best to be able and overcome any physical challenge you've been through
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free workshop

FiveĀ Steps to Get Rid ofĀ  Your Back, Knee, and Foot Pains

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